Let's Establish healthy sleep!
Parents can trust in Slumber Mama Sleep Consulting to empower them to establish healthy sleep habits for their children, allowing them to rest easily knowing their little ones are on their way to peaceful nights.

Hey Mama
Feeling a little
sleep deprived?
You have baby books, you listened to your girlfriend's advice, you've tried pacifiers, feeding to sleep, sleep sacks and rocking your baby in your arms for hours and nothing... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING seems to help your baby fall sleep.
All you want is one night of great rest like the good ol' days, but instead you wake up every hour, exhausted and defeated. The most frustrating part? You know that tonight will be no different...or will it?
My mission and passion is to help you build better sleeping habits with your child so you can rest easy and enjoy your peaceful nights!
Are you ready for sleep?
Get the sleep you
Learn How To Create Better Sleeping Habits For You And Your Child So That You Can Enjoy Peaceful Nights TOGETHER And Get The Beauty Sleep You've Been Dreaming Of
In these collaborative consulting sessions, paediatric sleep consultant Courtney Gallant, will guide you step-by-step through her proven strategy:
the habits and tools you need to get your child to sleep through night so you can relax in the evening and wake up feeling ready to tackle another day!
This is the same strategy Courtney has used to go from an exhausted and defeated new mama to an excited, loving and better parent and help dozens of new mamas do the same - almost effortlessly!

"I cannot thank Courtney enough for the help and support she has provided me while teaching my baby how to sleep! I contacted Courtney when my baby was seven months old. If you are needing some help and guidance with helping your babies sleep, I highly recommend Courtney! It has changed our lives for the better I would also like to add, I am a healthcare worker and had strong skepticism about the science behind sleep training, but boy am I ever a believer now!"
- Jessica AP, Nurse Practitioner
"Courtney has literally gave us the BEST gift… a sleeping and happy baby. Courtney had such a personalized sleep schedule completely for Maddie based on how I answered her questionnaire. She absolutely DID NOT let me listen to my baby cry for hours on end. She was super understanding and there for me every time I texted her. She encouraged me to lean on her while my husband worked away so that she could give me the support I needed! Courtney has been amazing and continues to be so easy and great to talk too! Our now 6 month old, soon to be 7 months, continues to sleep through the night and naps 3 times a day!"
-Samantha Clancy, BNRN
self-soothing strategies
An important step for getting your child to fall asleep and stay asleep is to help them develop self-soothing strategies. We all have them. Some of us have to be in a certain position. Some of us need the window open. We will discover a strategy that works for your little one so they will be a rockstar sleeper.
New daytime cycle
Working together on creating a new cycle. You will learn a new cycle to ensure your child is feeding enough throughout the day, playing enough + benefiting from lengthened naps to ensure your little one is ready for sleep at bedtime.
bedtime routine
Establishing a bedtime routine is THE BEST way to help your little one to start organizing days from nights and start to connecting nighttime sleep more quickly.
a healthy sleep routine is literally a sweet dream

Over the last few years of being a mom, i've come across SO many parents and friends who were exhausted as they struggled with trying to get their newborn or toddler to sleep through the night. Feeling as though it was a never ending battle.
Unfortunately, a lot of parents aren't equipped with the knowledge and resources they need to help their little one get a healthy amount of sleep throughout the day or night. They use pacifiers, teddy bears and other toys. They try feeding, rocking, sushing, etc... and they NEVER see results.
So many of us parents are stuck in the horrible routine of waking up many times throughout the night to tend to a crying child. No sleep for the child = no sleep for parent.
Without our proper sleep, we simply cannot be that aspiring parent we've always dreamt about being. No sleep means low temper, trouble thinking and concentrating, weight gain, and memory issues.
This is why I decided to do whatever I could to make these sleep skills as accessible as possible for those who need it...
So you can help create healthy sleep patterns with your children and get the sleep YOU DESERVE!
What would I give to parents thats more personalized than instagram videos, posts and sleep information?
How could I teach parents better sleeping habits with their children in the shortest time amount of time possible?
This is what inspired me to start one-on-one consulting.
In just 30 days, i'll teach you how to create healthy sleeping patterns with your child...
Following my proven and powerful sleep habits.
These sleeping habits have helped my child sleep through the night, help me get the correct sleep that i've been dreaming about and 100% of my clients who followed through seen SUCH positive results as well.
And for as little as $350, i'm giving you my step-by-step process that helped dozens of parents and toddlers get a good nights rest every night.
AND- you'll get access to support, so when you are feeling frustrated and stuck, we can troubleshoot together to get back on track!
Client praise
Let's hear it for...

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send an email with any questions you may have and I'll get back to you in a timely matter